Dress Rehearsal- Peter Pan at The House of Yes
Having been focused solely on the production of a PhD thesis for the past few months, I'm woefully behind in posting photographs from dress rehearsals, performances and events. Now that I am less than 24hours from moving out of the apartment I've lived in for the past five years, it seems like the perfect time to procrastin-post. (Edited to add: so much so that it's now a week since I moved house - sigh.)
Somewhere in the midst of writing the fourth chapter of my 300+ page thesis, an amazing show happened at Sky Box - Peter Pan. Even though I couldn't make a true performance, I was able to sneak in to the dress rehearsal. It was amazing. Anya and Elena's performance on trapeze was heart stopping and mesmerizing and humbling all at the same time. So much strength, grace and fearlessness, a characteristic of the whole show.
Peter and Wendy
The Lost Boys
Tinkerbell and Peter
All pictures ©CBMarney, please contact me before re-posting any of the pictures posted here.