Another Place

... in more ways than one.

Right now I'm back in the mother-land, visiting the newest, tiniest, and arguably the cutest member of the family, and picking up a new visa. My visa has been approved so now I'm free to do what I please until I return to my real life back in New York.

The last time I was back in the UK was 2010, and it was cold. So, so cold. There was frost and frozen rain so thick that travel wasn't really possible. This year it's as mild as can be so I finally managed to make it out to the coast to see Antony Gormley's Another Place.

Crosby is only about 40 minutes away from my parent's house, as are many places of stunning beauty I've never been. It was a short ride and well worth it.

The tide was just turning back towards the shore when we got there leaving many of the statues standing sentry on the sand. Some had crocheted garments, others had been made up like painted ladies.

The vista is quite remarkable, with expanses of sand and sky, wind farms on land and sea, tankers out in the bay and cast iron statues whose silhouettes become indiscernible from those of the visitors. If you ever find yourself in the vicinity of Liverpool, head on over and visit the many iron men of Crosby beach.

All pictures ©CBMarney, please contact me before re-posting any of the pictures posted here.​